Tuesday 6 October 2009

So this is my blog then. Apologies in advance if you find this boring, but I'm not going to fabricate some ridiculous tale about me winning big or being immensely talented at anything for the sake of it. Not really much point in lying to a faceless group of internet people.

So, last night I came third in a poker tournament. (Yes, there's luck involved but in the long run skill will win out.) That was fun. Got to play like a bit of a maniac when I got some chips in the middle of the game it led to a couple of people spazzing out and giving me their chips which was nice. I don't want to overcomplicate this post with poker jargon so I'll leave it at that. You should post in the Poker Thread btw, we sometimes play a free game which is fun, and it's fairly cheap to play for real monies too.

Hmm, just realised that I probably shouldn't have "and" after a comma in that last sentence, but I can't be arsed to change it.

Hmm, not really sure what else I can write about. I've been playing FIFA a fair bit over the past few days, sadly I'm yet to show any improvement over last years edition. Can't defend for toffee and I'm not exactly blessed with the ability to conjure goals out of nothing.

Speaking of football, I'm actually playing Football Manager 2007 as we speak in an epic game as manager of Rochdale. Took them over when they were bottom of the entire football league at Christmas and managed to keep them up, managed to get promoted a few seasons later and now I'm plotting a push for Championship football. I might just write about that, especially if I feel like ranting against some of my moronic players.

Well there's my first post, not sure what state it's in but that's what happens when you just let the mind flow without any real control. Bleh, tommorows might be better.

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